Friday, February 26, 2010

PETA Plans Tiger Woods Billboard in Windermere FL

Animal-rights group PETA plans to unveil a "cheeky spay-and-neuter" billboard featuring Tiger Woods, without the golfer's approval.

The billboard, displayed above, will be raised in his hometown of Windermere Florida. The billboard will include the image of Woods and the text "Too Much Sex Can Be a Bad Thing...For Little Tigers Too. Help Keep Your Cats (and Dogs) Out of Trouble: Always Spay and Neuter!"

It will be a challenge to find an advertiser to put up the sign, acknowledged Virginia Fort, a campaigner with PETA who is working on the project. "It's a fun, tongue-in-cheek approach. We hope these billboard companies will understand," Fort said.

How do you feel about the PETA billboard? Hilarious, inappropriate, or PETA doing what PETA does best? Let us know under "comments".

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