Wednesday, April 29, 2009


The human swine flu outbreak continues to grow in the United States and internationally. In the United States, cases have been reported in California, Kansas, New York City, Ohio, and Texas. 

In the US, patients have ranged in age from 7 to 54 years, with a median age of 16; the incubation time for the virus seems to be about 2 to 7 days (similar to season flu). 

With all of the out rage and worry over the swine flue we would like to share some helpful prevention tips. 

* Wash your hands and use alcohol hand gels to reduce the spread of viruses, and cover your nose and mouth when you cough (with arm or elbow, not your hand). 

* Avoid any nonessential travel to Mexico. 

To ready more on the CDC website, click here

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