Monday, October 6, 2008

Brad Pitt is in NEW ORLEANS!

Brad Pitt was spotted riding his bike around the French Quarter, in one of our beloved home towns of NEW ORLEANS! Pitt is most likely in town to check up on the Jolie-Pitt home and the Make It Right foundation. According to Perez Hilton, Angelina was  also spotted in the French Quarter on Monday with 3 of her 6 kids. They were strolling through the fabulous and charming city of New Orleans eating Cheetos. Yes, you read right, Cheetos! How Britney Spears of them! We have no problem with Cheetos, but for some reason it just doesn't seem like a very Jolie-Pitt kind of thing to feed your children. What do you think?! 

If you plan on wandering around the French Quarter this week, keep an eye out for the Jolie-Pitt family and let us know if you happen to catch a rare glimpse of the star family! 

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