Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Living Together for Money: A Growing Trend

According to the U.S. Census, over 7.5 million unmarried couples lived together in 2010. This has been attributed to the recession and the fact that partners in these newly cohabiting relationships are less likely to both hold jobs.

This brings us to the question... should your decision to live together solely be based on love or include the possibility of a financial boost?

We both take unique views on the decision of moving in together. One of us didn't wait very long into a relationship and were cohabiting prior to our engagement and one of us prefers to wait until half way through our engagement.

No one decision is the "right" decision. With so many different schools of thought, what do you think about the issue of cohabiting?

Click here
to read one viewpoint about "why cohabiting will ruin your finances" from LearnVest.

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