Thursday, December 30, 2010

2011 Hangover Beware

New Year's Eve celebrations often bring unwanted hangovers on Jan 1. If you go all out, you are going to pay the price and that is that. But, if you are a typical party goer there a few things you can do to prevent a hangover from happening - or... at least make it less painful.

Don't drink or drink less - Instead of 4 drinks have 1 or 2. Drink slowly! This will give your body enough time to break down the alcohol.

Drink water and lots of it - Alcohol dehydrates the body, so start your night with water and try to match every drink you have with a glass of water.

Don't drink on an empty stomach - Having food in your stomach helps dilute the concentration of alcohol.

Be choosy with what you drink - Stay away from sugary speciality drinks and try to drink clear liquors over dark ones. The darker the drink the more of the toxic substance congeners, which help contribute to hangovers.

Have fun NYE, but be safe and be smart. No one wants to start 2o11 off with a hangover!

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