Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Dying your child's hair - weigh in!

It seems that only celebrities and pageant mom's dye their children's hair. 

We think that dying a young child's hair is absolutely insane! Take a look at the before and after picture's of Gwen Stefani's son Kingston. Kingston goes from natural light brown curly hair to bleach blond and overly styled hair. 

What do you think of Kingston's hair? Stylish or ridiculous? Not right or totally acceptable? Weight in under "comments." 

It seems that one would focus on getting their son to take his pacifier out of his mouth before they start dying and styling his hair... 

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I'm sure it is not the same chemicals they use on adults. They have natural stuff like "sun in". Kids are pretty outspoken about what they want. As for the pacifier, leave the little boy alone. Its not hurting anything or you. People are too worried about everyone business instead of tending to their own.