Sunday, March 1, 2009

Chris Brown and Rihanna - Together Again?!

Chris Brown and Rihanna are back together!

Can you believe that she would take him back after the beating incident?

Sadly, we believe this news. Unfortunately, Rihanna is continuing to allow a horrible cycle in her life to continue and this is extremely sad for all of her fans and the millions of girls who look up to her. This also sends a message to men saying that it is all ok and that women will take back a man regardless of how he treated a woman. Celebrities are held to a higher standard, and whether or not that is fair is not the point... there is a big price that comes with fame!

We do not support Rihanna's decision and think it is a travesty. The pair is currently hiding out at Sean Combs' mansion on Star Island, near Miami Florida. 

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