Friday, October 17, 2008

JOE the Plumber

Who is "Joe the plumber?" This man has reached a new level of fame, due to the current Presidential race between John McCain and Barack Obama. His name was mentioned more times than the war in Iraq during the Presidential debate the other night. He is being referred to by politicians, news broadcasters, voters, and more on a daily basis. So, who is "Joe the plumber?"

He is Joe Wurzelbacher, a plumber from Ohio who was mentioned an astonishing 13 times in the first 10 minutes of the Presidential debate the other night (pictured above). It is now said that "Joe the plumber" isn't even a registered plumber!!! Either way, he is getting an outrageous amount of attention from some pretty important people and it is said that now, even his Facebook page is blowing up. And we all know the importance of social media in today's world... if you are big in that arena, you have really made it.

What do you think of "Joe the plumber" and the non-stop discussion of him and reference to him?

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