Friday, September 19, 2008


One of the Today Show's latest segments featured a story on PET CUSTODY issue we feel passionate about for a number of reasons:

1) We are animal lovers, thus understanding the importance of this issue. Sophie, Max, and Bailey are just as important as children, cars, and homes.

2) Why should the judge decide? It's harder to prove in court that one owner is "more attached" or "loved more" to/by a pet. This validates one of the news anchor's suggestions: SIGN A might be helpful down the road, and if not, well a piece of paper isn't hurting anybody!

3) Dogs, cats, and other pets are a new form of "Ex-cessories" we haven't given much thought to until now! No, we're not going to be buying & selling people's loved ones on the website, however it's an important point to bring attention to in the relationship sphere.

What are your thoughts on this important issue? Check out the story on the Today Show website at and post your thoughts under "comments"!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I would give up my children before my doggie!!!!!