Monday, September 29, 2008


Happy Jewish New Year to all! For those of you who don't know, tonight is Rosh Hashanah*
- Enjoy a reality escape by heading to your local synagogue...regardless of your denomination, beautiful music and an inspirational speech will certainly leave a positive effect of your psyche*
- Bring apples and honey to work today- your co-workers will love you and you'll be honoring a sacred tradition*
- Cook a high holiday feast for your loved ones...salmon, new potatoes, and chocolate make up a sure-win menu*
- Be grateful for all you have in this's a lot more than many*
Have a great day and post your Rosh Hashanah plans under "comments"!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

if you get "local" honey from where you live it is really good for is also nice to buy from local..i know we are having apples and honey right now!!!