Thursday, August 7, 2008

Are You Ready?!

The 2008 summer Olympics in Beijing begins this Friday! We can't wait to check out the opening ceremony, which will be held tomorrow, at the National Stadium in Beijing. It should be a 1 of kind, over the top, spectacle!

This year's Olympics features 38 different sports - from archery to swimming to taekwondo. We can't wait to check out swimming and see if Michael Phelps can become the 1st person to ever win 8 gold medals during 1 Olympic game!

What is your favorite Olympic sport? How do you feel about Phelps' new mustache...shave it or leave it?! Post your answers under "comments."

3 comments: said...

We think Phelps should definitely SHAVE IT!

Anonymous said...

I don't like facial hair on men but he needs to keep it!!!!!!

Unknown said...

he needs to get rid of it- grosss. he is going to be really great-